Friday, October 26, 2012

Wild Card (Moroccan Wedding Blankets?!?!?!)

I feel out of the loop.  Left in the cold.  The last one told the big secret.

Have you seen the gorgeousness that are Moroccan Wedding Blankets?!  Holy toledo, they are beautiful and sparkly and cozy and a wonderful tradition.


These make me so happy.


Pretty, right?!

Used as a rug.

And (obviously) my favorite.
Although, I know, I know...white rug under the dining room table?  Let me dream, OK?

How am I just learning about these?  A DIY version much be out there.  Let the search begin!

IN OTHER NEWS, Sunday is going to be an awesome day.  Not only is it Alina's big 3-0, but I have my first shift at Bits of Thread and then I pick up the keys to Swann Street!!!!

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