Thursday, December 6, 2012

Blog Design Commentary and Easy Christmas Craft

Well, I am attempting a new blog design, but I have much to learn about how to customize the page.  For example (and for starters), I'd like to center the image and blog title, as well as figure out why the date header is so unclear with this new font.  Minor things, yes, but my hope is that the more I use this as a outlet for my ideas or to showcase my pastimes, I will also take an interest in learning how to manage the blog.  I think it involves coding or CSS or something.  I am very clearly starting from scratch on this one, so be patient!

Back to the fun stuff!

I made a super easy Christmas decor item after work but before heading out for a night on the town with some lady friends on Friday night.  I think it turned out cute!

So while doing some shopping for supplies for other Christmas gifts/crafts  at Michaels, I stumbled upon when scrounging through the dollar bins and saw two cute little wood cutouts covered in red, textured fabric.

Here's what I started with:

(This picture is upside down)

- two "Merry" signs from Michaels
- green scrapbook paper in (mine had cute lighter green polka dot blobs on it)
- pen/pencil
- paper cutter
- Ikea white Ribba frame (mine was leftover from a project a few years ago)*
- glue
- glass of Cabernet Sauvignon

I traced the interior piece of paper from the ribba frame on to the backside of my green scrap book paper to ensure the perfect fit.  My paper happened to be double sided -- truthfully I bought the least expensive green paper that I thought was cute -- this one was on sale.

(This one is upside down too)

Use your paper cutter to get straight lines and make sure it fits in the frame.

Finally, place your signs, measuring your margins, then take some glue (really any kind will work here), and stick 'em on!

Place in frame, and Whala!

I put it on my entry way table/dresser.

Merry Christmas!

*Side note from author: Normally I get so irritated (read: jealous) when I read my crafting blogs and these fine crafters say something like "Oh this old thing that was laying around?" and they are referring to an amazing side table or dresser or anything, really.  I think this is mostly because after living in 7 different apartments since 2009, I rarely keep things "just laying around."  So sorry to be a hypocrite here, but I was STOKED to use something I had "just laying around." 

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