Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kickin' Butt and Taking Names

You know those nights when you just steamroll through the "to get done at some point" list?

Yeah, I don't have too many either.  But Monday night was just that, and it was incredible.  I'll post pictures of all the projects done (in time -- I need to get the cord to connect the camera to the computer from Dad this weekend), but it was just one of those walk-by something-that-needs-to-be-fixed-and-just-do-it.

Take, for example, this guy:

Lovely as she may be, the drawer and solid door compartments were sort of a pain to open and close. I probably should have taken care of this when I painted her blue this past winter, but I was in a hurry to just get it done, as December 1st was approaching and that meant all the Christmas decor would be out and taking over the apartment (no space for big furniture projects in my <530 sf studio apartment).

So... probably back in January, Pops gave me some silicone spray to make these bad boys slide no problem (yes, I know I could have also used soap among other things, but clearly as I've had the spray for months, it wasn't because I didn't have the materials -- I just didn't do it.)

Fast forward to Monday night when I was takin' care of business all around this little apartment and....wah lah!  These guys now slide and open without a hiccup.

And since it was a night of productivity, this success meant I went around like a crazy lady spraying anything that has a drawer or hinge.   Now all most systems are a "go" here on Swann Street.

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