Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year -- Good Start!

Maybe just had one of the most productive January 1st I've ever had.  Not that I did anything super human, but many of my January ones have been either hangover days, traveling days or just do-nothing days.  Not 2013.

It starts with a four day getaway to Dewey Beach with Megan, Marc and several of their friends to ring in the new year.  Despite having picked up some crazy sickness that hit me like a ton of bricks on Thursday night and left me literally bedridden on Friday, I stayed doped up on Dayquil, Nyquil Mucinex, cough drops, and Advil pretty much non-stop from Saturday at 11 a.m. through New Year's Eve.  The only exception was a Saturday afternoon/early evening, which led me straight to an 11 p.m. fever and a crying phone call to Mami and Margot.  Whoops!

Despite feeling about 70% at the best of times, the trip was still so fun.  It all culminated in a 1920s themed New Year's Eve, where not only did people dress up, but we took on new names!

Mamie (L); Dottie (R)!
Mamie's husband, Woodrow (not pictured).

As that was our last night in the house, we woke up and found things...a bit of a mess!  So we blitzed and cleaned and packed and folded and cleaned some more, and packed some more, until the house was looking whistle clean.  Well...clean enough to get all of our security deposit back.

Immediately afterwards, we jumped in the car and drove the three hours back to Washington.  Once Megan and Marc dropped me off at Swann Street, I sat down to think about all the things I wanted to get done.  Unpack, laundry, go for a walk, cook dinner, go get Dixie from Mami and Pops, and take down Christmas (this final task being the most daunting).

I spoke to Pops and he said it made no sense for me to come to Oakton just for them to drive me home with Dixie, so we decided he would bring her to Swann Street when it was convenient for him.  He was going to take down Christmas and then perhaps drop her off in the evening.  Now, I love this apartment, but there really isn't much storage, so luckily Mami and Pops let me keep my Christmas stuff at Camp.  That means, that if I didn't want to look at boxes of Christmas stuff until who knows when, I needed to take down Christmas ASAP.  So I got to work.

The ornaments came off, the house decor was gathered and my Spode dishes washed.  The tree was SO dry, I took it outside with all the strands of lights on it and took them off in the middle of the sidewalk so that all the needles would fall outside (don't think that means there weren't any inside -- man this tree was dry!).  By the time I was done with the lights, the tree was a very sad sight.  Truly 60% of the needles had fallen off the tree, and the top branches looked particularly sparse.  Not good.

Then everything was wrapped nicely in tissue paper or bubble wrap and put in their boxes, ready to be taken to Camp.  The floors were cleaned, the furniture returned to it's normal placement, and this gal needed some grub.  Instead of cooking, I noshed on some leftover curried lentil soup I had made on Thursday afternoon.  Delish!

I then folded the laundry I had been running, got my day bag ready to go for work tomorrow, including gym clothes all packed up.  I unpacked most of the bags from the beach trip and organized the bathroom sink.  When I crawled into bed, the apartment looked clean, organized and I feel ready to make tomorrow be even productive!

Yes I see the green suitcase that has not been unpacked.  I did say I unpacked most of the bags from the beach, not all of the bags!

The night ended with a cup of hot tea and some blogging.  Not too shabby for a sick gal!

Side note: No meds at all during the day today.  Only taking Nyquil to ensure I get a good night's rest.  The cough is still not fun though...will reassess if it's not any better by Sunday. 

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