Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Garb Gab (Navy Wool Coat)

I don't claim to be fashionista extraordinaire.  In fact, I don't even really claim to be a fashionista, but I do like to look nice and somewhat trendy.  I splurge on some things, but mostly I buy bargain clothes that gets good use for several seasons until they are so dead, I have no choice but to retire them.

Last winter my heart skipped a beat over this Burberry wool coat.

Yeah, I know I showcased them on a different blog...so shoot me.
Truly it is just about perfect.

Well, it wasn't in my budget last year (or this year), but I did find a great alternative at Zara.

It's such a find!  The navy color is gorgeous, there is added interest with the zipper being off-center, the buttons on the sleeve are different and cool too.  Plus, it was a hundred bucks. 

No, it's not Burberry, but it works for me!

Aside: I can see why the schedule of themes for blog entries is a good thing, but honestly, my mind is so preoccupied with moving and decorating my new place that all I really want to talk about it interior design!!  Until tomorrow...

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