One thing my family did never really did was Christmas cards. (Side note: Here's where one of my old sisters or parents will say "Yes, we did. We just haven't in a long time." This, my friends, is the unfortunate consequence of being the youngest. I don't remember the stuff we did as kids, because I was a baby.) Anyway, we didn't do Christmas cards. We talked about it and thought up ideas, but never actually made or sent them.
But in my adult life, I get to decide if I am going to send them or not. And for the last couple of years, I have. And I really enjoy it.
I am not terribly good at keeping in touch with friends who live out of town (or, let's be real, even those who are just a little out of sight), but sending Christmas cards reminds me to think of and be thankful for the people in my life. Most cards go to family, but some to old friends and new friends, and a few past bosses too. Just a good way to stay in touch.
So this year I decided to make my own Christmas cards. I finally feel like I have the time to sit down and craft, so why not take advantage and do two things I enjoy -- creating and Christmas Cards!
Plus, the way I am making the cards is cost effective, as I decided to do a postcard style card, so that means less paper and not paying for pre-made cards (although some of the ones out there are awesome)...
I heart Kate Spade.
And you can never go wrong with Caspari.
Truth be told, though, I usually prefer the ones that look a little more homemade anyway.
Like this one, spotted on Curbly?
Oh that Martha Stewart...
I do love using felt in craft projects!
And lest we forget the adorable snowman button card:
We (as a people) need to figure out how to make dot eyes less creepy. Seriously.
I'll save my finished product until after I've sent them out so readers who will receive one don't have their surprise spoiled (that and I'm making them over Thanksgiving weekend, but the template is done, so give me a break!!)
Maybe a not such a "Money Matters" post, but it will be less expensive than buying the cards, and also the time spent making them is both productive and keeping me from other money spending activities, I say it qualifies!
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