Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

As December is now upon us, and I am a crazy person when it comes to Christmas, it was only fitting to spend a weekend with my parents picking out our trees, singing holiday tunes, and decking the halls, walls and table tops.

While we normally head to Upperville to cut down our tree, this year, Dad was feeling like that was a bit too much to do, so we headed to a more "local" source for Christmas Trees.

We normally get a photo of someone cutting down the tree, so,
here are Mami and Dad "cutting theirs down" (and being funny)...

We will see how they hold up as throughout the season, but so far, they are some good lookin' trees!

Then we unwrapped all the treasures collected over the years, all to be shown for the next five or six weeks.  There are some very old things, like original family ornaments and this guy that my parents think has been around since at least their first Christmas.  

We swapped out the ol' bird clock,

for the Christmas carol one.

Then there are some newer additions, my favorite being the carolers and their Christmas tree with popcorn garland (which apparently I didn't take a picture of, but here are our other caroling duo, although this too was rearranged after I snapped this.  Note the house mice next to the fireplace?)

The grade school art projects my sisters and I did, which alway get taped up to the kitchen cabinets -- some are SO old.

And the many, many nacimientos (nativities).

This is just a taste of the larger ones.  There are small ones everywhere!

We also made pecan balls for a care package...

And kept on deckin' the halls! 

Here are some more pictures I took:

Old school nutcracker and smoking Santa.

Cute wine bottle toppers! 

And wine glass charms.

Dixie got in the spirit too! 

Ended the night watching the Cohen brothers' movie, Miller's Crossing.  A double-crossing, movie with some tremendous actors. 

What a fun Saturday!

Next up?  Swann Street decor.

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