Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In need of some work wardrobe inspiration...

You know those days when you wake up and things just feel off?

Not quite the "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" thing where it feels like everyone is out to get you. 

Not quite like this...

It just feels like I am the one that is off. 

Maybe it's the weather, which lately has been "meh" at best.  I know, I know...it is January and it's supposed to be cold.  But it's been raining, which means it is not cold enough where the rain turns into snow.  It's just cold enough where you are damp and chilly.  My least favorite kind.

Add to it that for some reason lately, I am having the most difficult time getting dressed for work.  I am in such a casual mood that the idea of wearing pencil skirts and pumps seems sort of crazy, even though I normally love pencil skirts and pumps!  WTF?! 

Top Row; #3.  Pretty much perfection...Why don't I want to wear you!?!

So today, after waking up so much later than I wanted to (again, WTF?!), I tried to jazz up a casual outfit, but something felt off.  I knew it wasn't business-like, no matter what blouse I put on or how many bracelets I added to the arm party.  But I wore it anyway.  So, I go to walk Dixie this morning and I see a girl on the street who looked so put together despite the horrible rainy, cold weather and thought "Ugh...I really need to up my work wardrobe game."  Then on the bus, same thing.  Girls with perfectly curly hair underneath their big parkas; so many in heels (heels!) and dresses with straight hair, looking perfectly presentable and I, in corduroys and bean boots for the wet walk into work.  Hair twisted back and in a pony tail.  Pathetic.

Tomorrow is also supposed to be rainy and (it's still January, so...) cold, so I'm challenging myself to up the work wardrobe game.  Let's see what I can come up with...

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