Tuesday, February 5, 2013

30 Day Challenges

If you aren't familiar with TED Talks, hop to it!  They are so awesome.  Instead of spending wasting time watching Gossip Girl (GG) -- err, wait I do that too -- you could spend your time listening to experts in variety of fields teach you something you may not have known existed, occurred or perhaps know a little about but can learn so much more.

One of my favorites is this particular talk about trying something new for 30 days.  I call these 30 day challenges (competitive much?), and I've decided to try to do one a quarter for the next 18 months.  Just like the calendar on my desk tracking my runs, I added another calendar up tracking my progress on my 30-day challenge.  I am really liking this system.

First 30 day challenge is...tracking spending/following budget.

I've been trying to save more actively (again, one day I'd like to buy my own place!), and I think I've finally come up with a good system that incorporates short and long term goals.  But it only works if I track what I spend and where I spend it, so...let the first challenge begin!

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