Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1 of Juicing...

I decided to do a bit of a juice cleanse.  It's about time I started actually taking care of my body. 

The past 15 years has pretty much been a "I can do, eat, consume, have whatever I want" time, which is just gross and unacceptable.  Not that I ever really ate poorly -- I am fortunate (or spoiled) enough to have the capability to eat good food all the time -- but this really marks the first time I'll have eaten nothing processed for days.  And while I've heard it is not without some minor complications (headaches, mostly), I am super excited to experience that great feeling everyone says they have after putting only natural foods in their bodies.'s what I had for breakfast:

First have a mug of hot water and lemon, and then this juice.

I gotta tell ya....It was really tasty.  And it was a substantial amount of juice.

I'm a little bit more nervous for the apple, cucumber, celery, kale, ginger and lemon juice for lunch, but it smells great, so I have faith!

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