Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Suprisingly Sweet

I can be a bit of a food snob sometimes, but I also can easily fall off the wagon, devouring buffalo chicken fingers or milkshakes without batting an eye.

This usually happens when one of two things is going on:
1) Let just leave it at "alcohol is involved."
2) I'm feeling really broke.

And lately I've been feeling pretty broke.

Now that I am paying more than double my old rent, I need to be much more responsible with money.  Given that I like to be social, but also want to save lots (I mean, I would like to own a house at some point), it is go time to focus on that 50/20/30 budget (plus-- it's a resolution!).

But since I really hate eating crap and with training going on, I decided to come up with a relatively inexpensive way to eat things that are not terrible for you and are still tasty.  Now this isn't fancy or creative, which is sort of a bummer because I do like to cook new things, but for the time being, it's better than Mickey D's or ramen every day.

Breakfast is a bowl of granola cereal with fresh blueberries and a touch of honey (the honey is only because I accidentally bough "Unsweetened" Almond Milk instead of "Original."  The "Original" flavor is plenty sweet.)  I brought all the ingredients into my office and have this when I arrive in the morning.

Lunch is some type of pasta with tomatoes and basil.  Simple, but fresh, filling and tasty!  You can make it the night before, or honestly making it in the morning is so easy and I think tastes better.   You just halve some grape tomatoes, and let them sit in some EVOO, and S+P for a bit (this is actually important). Then, put them in a baking dish, cut some fresh basil on top with a bit more EVOO and then pop them in the oven for 20 minutes until the tomatoes get sweet and delicious.  Make some pasta while this is happening, and...

I ran out of basil for this one, so this is just Italian Seasonings.  I's simple and so easy, but is so delicious!

For dinner I usually make rice, some type of beans with either an egg or more of these tomatoes (I'm obsessed) or just throw something else together from what is in the cupboard -- veggie stir fry, a chicken bake or just a bowl of cereal!

It's a little boring, but really pretty tasty.    No complaints here!

Aside: I've been living off of the bagged clementines as snacks.  Whole Food really should hide them.  I am eating like eight a day.

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