Monday, July 1, 2013

green lights

It may take two or three times listening to love this song, but my goodness it is good.

And best of all, it happens to be true for me today.  I am so thankful for a green lights kind of day.

bunting for the 4th!

I have been wanting to make cute triangle bunting for so long now.  It's actually pathetic that I hadn't done it.

But, with lots of red and blue scrap fabric from some cosmetic bags and other various projects (including this big one), I finally gave it a go.

Aside: if you read the about the dress I am making you'll notice a theme here -- lots of thought and talk about doing projects, then lots of putting off, and now, finally stepping up my game.  Couldn't be happier about that.

These pictures are so crummy (really need to get a camera), but I cannot even tell you how happy I was waking up to bunting in the apartment.  They will look even better at Camp for the 4th.

There are two layers of the same fabric for each triangle sewn together.  Then, just because I think it looks so cute, I used the pinking shears to trim the sides.  I then spaced them out  along 1" bias tape and sewed across the top.  Don't worry about exact distances between each flag.  Just eyeball it! 

Wah lah!

I am very much looking forward to the golf cart parade followed by the patriotic dress/costume potluck on the 4th.

If you recall, that dress I was making had a deadline...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

before and after



12 inches gone to be donated!

so long to the past two (frankly, horrible) years!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunny Yellow

Some of you may know that I like to keep cut flowers in the apartment.  I feel a bit refreshed looking at their colors and watching them bloom out as far as their petals will take them.

So on a hard day, like today, this view helps, even if only a little.

That, and being with family and loved ones during a time of grief.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Juicing: Day 2

Breakfast was tasty, although truth be told, I could have used less sweet stuff.  Next time I'll try less fruit (maybe one cup of grapes and half a cup of blueberries) and more veggies (more kale, and add carrots).

2 apples
1 cucumber
1 c. blueberries
2 c. grapes
2 kale leaves
1" ginger

Here's hoping lunch is good!

1 beet
1 cucumber
2 carrots
1 apple
4 kale leaves
1/4 lemon (peeled)
1/4 lime (peeled)

Lunch is in container; breakfast in the glass cup.  Isn't the separation pretty cool?  There was way more breakfast juice than just that cup.  It probably totaled 20 ounces all together, which was great!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1 of Juicing...

I decided to do a bit of a juice cleanse.  It's about time I started actually taking care of my body. 

The past 15 years has pretty much been a "I can do, eat, consume, have whatever I want" time, which is just gross and unacceptable.  Not that I ever really ate poorly -- I am fortunate (or spoiled) enough to have the capability to eat good food all the time -- but this really marks the first time I'll have eaten nothing processed for days.  And while I've heard it is not without some minor complications (headaches, mostly), I am super excited to experience that great feeling everyone says they have after putting only natural foods in their bodies.'s what I had for breakfast:

First have a mug of hot water and lemon, and then this juice.

I gotta tell ya....It was really tasty.  And it was a substantial amount of juice.

I'm a little bit more nervous for the apple, cucumber, celery, kale, ginger and lemon juice for lunch, but it smells great, so I have faith!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

So long, Uncle Al

Dear Uncle Al will be dearly missed.

Upon hearing of his death, Mami said to me "I'm just sad.  I really thought he was superman." And he really kind of was.