Well, this week was a good example of how I don't necessarily stick to the plan. Monday and Tuesday flew by with easy dinners at home and a few episodes of Homeland, which is a super good show, and I can't wait to keep watching. Wednesday night at Lennox's apartment was fun and it was great to see Lauren -- it had been so long! Thursday was a chill night over at Shannon and Ryan's Chinatown pad with some hilarious neighbor watching. And finally on to the weekend.
It was jam packed. Lots of time spent with Megan and Marc, which was my favorite part. Unseasonably awesome weather meant a great Saturday brunch. Many different people seen, which was really nice, but far too much alcohol. I (seriously) need to figure that out. I can't rely so heavily on that as my social event. I need to be more productive and spend my time doing things I love. I won't beat myself up too much about this for now, but something does need to change.
On to this week...which is sort of a fresh start, so I'll take that and try to do better.
As I've made abundantly clear, I am far too excited to move -- I seriously cannot stop talking about it. But my move is being sabotaged by a stupid, freakin' hurricane! Blast! The plan all along was to move on Monday afternoon with the help of dear ol' Dad. Then I could spend the rest of the week unpacking and starting all the projects I've been thinking about for a month now. It was go time!
But then things started to fall apart. The landlord told me that the tenant hasn't fully moved out yet, so maybe I wouldn't be able to pick up the keys, and therefore move in until later. Fortunately, the tenant got it together and got out, so...whew. One crisis averted. But then...the stupid hurricane! On Sunday afternoon, headquarters in NY closed the DC office on Monday in anticipation of the storm, which would be a good thing because then I could move all day and not have to take any time off, but then again...it's raining and horrible and not the way this move was suppose to start!! Oh well....TBD how this all works out, but I'm still planning on just moving during the hurricane.
This week:
Monday - Hurricane Sandy hits the DC area, but MOVE!
Tuesday - Unpack
Wednesday - Unpack
Thursday - Meet with Nathan P., my first hobby/side business client
Friday - To Oakton to just chill
Saturday - Craft supplies followed by Alina's Birthday Dance Lesson
Sunday - Espirit de Noel at Visitation (maybe), a sewing class (maybe), something good though.
Goal this week is to really try to be productive. No steps back this week.

Monday, October 29, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Wild Card (Moroccan Wedding Blankets?!?!?!)
I feel out of the loop. Left in the cold. The last one told the big secret.
Have you seen the gorgeousness that are Moroccan Wedding Blankets?! Holy toledo, they are beautiful and sparkly and cozy and a wonderful tradition.
These make me so happy.
Have you seen the gorgeousness that are Moroccan Wedding Blankets?! Holy toledo, they are beautiful and sparkly and cozy and a wonderful tradition.
These make me so happy.
Pretty, right?!
Used as a rug.
And (obviously) my favorite.
Although, I know, I know...white rug under the dining room table? Let me dream, OK?
Although, I know, I know...white rug under the dining room table? Let me dream, OK?
How am I just learning about these? A DIY version much be out there. Let the search begin!
IN OTHER NEWS, Sunday is going to be an awesome day. Not only is it Alina's big 3-0, but I have my first shift at Bits of Thread and then I pick up the keys to Swann Street!!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Money Matters (Budgeting)
As we've discuss, money is at the forefront of my thoughts lately. Or put another way, not including utilities, my rent in Georgetown was less than half of what I'll be paying on Swann Street. For realzzz. SO...I need to get a tight budget and stick to it.
A year or so ago, I signed up for LearnVest, a personal finance website for women. Started by a HBS gal my age (who took a leave of of absence from school to start the site), LearnVest is sort of a Finance 101 for ladies. I haven't been so disciplined about tracking my spending on the site, and I have not found that particular function all that helpful, but I actually really enjoy their articles and useful tips.
One example is there 50-20-30 budget.
50% of your net income (after taxes monthly pay) goes to essential expenses
- rent
- utilities
- transportation
- groceries
20% goes to financial priorities
- retirement (outside of pre-taxed 401(k) contributions)
- savings
- emergency fund
30% goes to discretionary spending
- shopping
- bars and restaurants
- pets
- cell phone
- memberships
- all the good stuff
I plan to give this method a go. I wanted to be more aggressive on saving, but truthfully, it would be a pretty dramatic change in my social habits, and I think already doubling my rent is dramatic enough.
Now I just need to ask for another raise...
A year or so ago, I signed up for LearnVest, a personal finance website for women. Started by a HBS gal my age (who took a leave of of absence from school to start the site), LearnVest is sort of a Finance 101 for ladies. I haven't been so disciplined about tracking my spending on the site, and I have not found that particular function all that helpful, but I actually really enjoy their articles and useful tips.
One example is there 50-20-30 budget.
50% of your net income (after taxes monthly pay) goes to essential expenses
- rent
- utilities
- transportation
- groceries
20% goes to financial priorities
- retirement (outside of pre-taxed 401(k) contributions)
- savings
- emergency fund
30% goes to discretionary spending
- shopping
- bars and restaurants
- pets
- cell phone
- memberships
- all the good stuff
I plan to give this method a go. I wanted to be more aggressive on saving, but truthfully, it would be a pretty dramatic change in my social habits, and I think already doubling my rent is dramatic enough.
Now I just need to ask for another raise...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Home Improvement (Polished Brass Coffee Tables - Classy or Tacky?)
You might have noticed in my living room layout plan that the coffee and side tables have a polished brass frame. (The tables I used in the layout picture are not the ones I am using at Swann Street, but it gives you the right idea. This seems to be a common theme on this here blog.)
Anyway, my mom keeps telling me to paint the shiny brass because she thinks it looks tacky and cheap. And I must say I don't fully disagree. I can think of some nasty brass light fixtures that need a whole lot more than love.
But I think there are ways in which is can look super girly, modern and just plain awesome.
Anyway, my mom keeps telling me to paint the shiny brass because she thinks it looks tacky and cheap. And I must say I don't fully disagree. I can think of some nasty brass light fixtures that need a whole lot more than love.
But I think there are ways in which is can look super girly, modern and just plain awesome.
OK so this one isn't super polished, shiny brass, but I love how the art plays off the table.
And that velvety goodness...
Soothing, sorta beachy.
Again the art -- love that the sculptures/vases on the shelf play off the shiny table.
This one is my favorite!!
Love the hot pink splash, and am definitely trying to steal the vibe of this look.
So what do you think? Hip and cool or old and tacky?
(Duh, I'll post pictures of my place when it's set up!)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Garb Gab (A Big Closet Clean Out)
So during the bachelorette night in Arlington, Gigi asked if I could help her clean out her closet, a task she had not done in eight, I repeat, EIGHT years. It was necessary.
It looked a lot like this, but messier.
So after running errands with Mami on Saturday morning, Geeg and I got to it! We started around 3:30 and didn't wrap up until 11 p.m.! So. much. clothes.
But here's the thing: I found out that not only has Gigi been struggling with letting go of clothes (either things she bought, or things passed down, or designer things that she just couldn't let go), she has a hard time seeing items in her closet as separates. She buys an "outfit" and the only thing she can wear with those pinstripe pants is the blue top she bought that "goes with it." No wonder she had so much clothes! In order to have some variety, she needed a whole other outfit!
BUT, she and I decided to save the lesson on mixing separates for another day, as there was far too much work to be done and we wanted Alina to be there for that. We didn't even try the clothes on! (Fit will also be part of the separate styling lesson.) We just went through the categories and styles of things. Gigi went from 15 pairs of khaki pants to maybe three or four; from 20 long sleeve shirts in every color, to one in each color. It was a huge amount of progress, and she was such a trooper throughout the entire thing.
On an entirely unrelated noted, I'm just going to post some pretty dresses I'm eyeing (realistically and not so realistically) for my family's black tie Christmas Eve soiree!
Could be fun! And is totally affordable.

alice + olivia from Neimans. Pretty damn perfect.
Oooooo....a drool worthy St. John Collection dress, also from Neimans.
Imagine with some pink Louboutin's. Ahh, dreamy!
I love this one. DVF at Nordys.
Not to mention:
Milly Otrich Feather Dress. Yes, please!
Lesson here? I need to add some color!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
WAH/WSH (October 22)
Well folks, it's a new week! Thank goodness.
Before the Crazy on Thursday night (and ensuing Darkness of Friday), the rest of the week was actually great. And so was the weekend! See...happier posts!
The week went nearly as planned and was great. Dinner with the folks was fun and productive! Ended up going to Alina's for a delicious braised lamb with figs, mashed potato and brussel sprout Tuesday Night Dinner (not updated, but super delish nonetheless). Fee needed a day long rain check Wednesday, so headed to my favorite place, Tryst, and did some online shopping for Swann Street (and also maybe emailed dozens of people about those aforementioned craigslist pick ups this weekend!) before Patrick came to meet me for a beer. After a day in the office all to myself, Fee met me for some rooftop wine, followed by some Eighteenth Street Lounge action. The she left and....well, we know it wasn't good so we'll stop there.
Fast forward to Friday late afternoon...
The weekend was a total blast, thanks to Mami, Gigi and Kevin. It was so fun running errands with Mami, snagging both basics and some awesome craigslist furniture. Gigi and Kevin welcomed me at their apartment for basically the entire weekend. It was such a great amount of productivity and laziness, organizing Gigi's closet in anticipation of their big move to the country and just Giggling until I couldn't keep my eyes open any more. I did put down my weight in food though, so this week I'll focus a bit more on the exercise part. (Go time starts November 1, but why put off 'til next week what you can do tomorrow! Or something like that...)
Sunday I headed to Camp to pack up the Yukon with all my stuff that was being stored down there in anticipation of the move to Swann Street. Said farewell to Dad as he set sail for Deltaville to winterize Eagle's Wings, and got to loading up the car. Once back, Mami and I went to visit Abue, my ailing grandfather.
Monday - Pick up stuff from Manders; quick grocery for easy dinners this week; something productive.
Tuesday - Nothing planned. May be a good night to start packing?
Wednesday - Girl catch up with Kristina and Lauren
Thursday - Can't remember and don't have my calendar. TBD.
Friday - Forte Fright Fest
Saturday - Family Halloween Party
Sunday - Alina's 30th Birthday!! And pick up keys for Swann Street!!
- Lots of writing...
- I need to start taking pictures of all these happenings.
- I think, of all the scheduled post themes, this will be the first to be changed.
The weekend was a total blast, thanks to Mami, Gigi and Kevin. It was so fun running errands with Mami, snagging both basics and some awesome craigslist furniture. Gigi and Kevin welcomed me at their apartment for basically the entire weekend. It was such a great amount of productivity and laziness, organizing Gigi's closet in anticipation of their big move to the country and just Giggling until I couldn't keep my eyes open any more. I did put down my weight in food though, so this week I'll focus a bit more on the exercise part. (Go time starts November 1, but why put off 'til next week what you can do tomorrow! Or something like that...)
Sunday I headed to Camp to pack up the Yukon with all my stuff that was being stored down there in anticipation of the move to Swann Street. Said farewell to Dad as he set sail for Deltaville to winterize Eagle's Wings, and got to loading up the car. Once back, Mami and I went to visit Abue, my ailing grandfather.
Monday - Pick up stuff from Manders; quick grocery for easy dinners this week; something productive.
Tuesday - Nothing planned. May be a good night to start packing?
Wednesday - Girl catch up with Kristina and Lauren
Thursday - Can't remember and don't have my calendar. TBD.
Friday - Forte Fright Fest
Saturday - Family Halloween Party
Sunday - Alina's 30th Birthday!! And pick up keys for Swann Street!!
- Lots of writing...
- I need to start taking pictures of all these happenings.
- I think, of all the scheduled post themes, this will be the first to be changed.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wild Card (I Suck)
Well, I told it would be a wild card! And I do suck. Thursday night, I let crazy get the better part of me. Those close to me probably wouldn't be surprised, but that doesn't really make it OK.
Part of the reason I started this blog was to work through the toughest year of my life (thus far). Certainly not trying to be a bummer here, but it's true. And some days/nights I'm stronger, better, more in control than others. Thursday night was an other.
I feel like I took three steps back after a very solid week of nothing but positive, getting-your-life-together, feeling-like you-can-do-this progress. It's just such a letdown. I know I can keep up the progress and that I need to just keep putting one foot in front of the other until hopefully something starts to make sense, it's just that days like Thursday wear on me.
I'm stronger than letting myself get overwhelmed with emotion. I am smarter than drinking so much on a work night. I know better than to dial certain numbers. The story is basically a dramatic version of these three things happening. We'll leave it at that.
Regardless, I am very lucky to have people in my life supporting me, doing what they can to keep my head up. I can't say I've felt this way before, and that in, and of itself, is progress.
Happier posts are on the horizon...
Part of the reason I started this blog was to work through the toughest year of my life (thus far). Certainly not trying to be a bummer here, but it's true. And some days/nights I'm stronger, better, more in control than others. Thursday night was an other.
I feel like I took three steps back after a very solid week of nothing but positive, getting-your-life-together, feeling-like you-can-do-this progress. It's just such a letdown. I know I can keep up the progress and that I need to just keep putting one foot in front of the other until hopefully something starts to make sense, it's just that days like Thursday wear on me.
I'm stronger than letting myself get overwhelmed with emotion. I am smarter than drinking so much on a work night. I know better than to dial certain numbers. The story is basically a dramatic version of these three things happening. We'll leave it at that.
Regardless, I am very lucky to have people in my life supporting me, doing what they can to keep my head up. I can't say I've felt this way before, and that in, and of itself, is progress.
Happier posts are on the horizon...
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Money Matters (The Start of a New Era - Office Food Staples)
As I've mentioned, I grew up in a house where saving money was not only important, it was the rule. Half of anything my sisters or I made went straight into savings. Period.
And while most people I know are good with money, I started to fall off the whole "savings bandwagon" a few years ago. I've never spent more than I had, always paying off my credit cards in full, but just living more and more paycheck to paycheck. And recently I've been more stressed about money than usual.
Over the last few years, I had many major life changes occur and I'm starting to realize I've dealt with these things by being careless with money. I've always been frugal, and thankfully that hasn't changed, but it's more that I am unable to say no. "Oh, let's stay for another drink (or three)?" My response: "Sure!!"; "How amazing are these shoes?" My response: "Holy lord, amazing. I'm buying them."; "Want to go on a week long vacation to somewhere fabulous and we'll have the best time?" My response: "Just clicked purchase on the plane ticket."
It's all good stuff, nothing ever bad, it's just that I need to learn I can't do it all.
So that's what begins now. A true savings plan, where each month a set amount of money (at least) goes into savings. I want to buy a house one day that I can fix up and not then turn the keys over to the owner eight months later. I want to know I'll be financially sound in case of an emergency. I want to learn what stocks and bonds are and how the heck I actually invest in them.
These posts may not be as glammy and fun as the others on this blog, but there is something really cool about having money issues under control. Seriously. I used to be proud of the fact that I was good with money. Letting those values slip away has not only been driving me nuts, but it's been a source of stress for too long. Enough.
It may be hard for me to initially divulge personal financial information on the interwebs, but who knows over time. But to start, I'll chat on things I've done to save money in the last few weeks.
First off all, I've been bringing a lunch to work. It's the first thing so many money advice columns, blogs, etc. tell you to do, and let me tell you...they are right. It's amazing. It does take some thought. And it definitely isn't as exciting as the multitude of offerings at the dozen or so lunch spots near the office, BUT, it is what it is. I'd rather spend my money on dinners out with friends or a trip somewhere awesome, so...I bring a lunch.
Here's a great article about just sucking it up and bringing a lunch. Honestly, it may have been what pushed me over the edge to just do it. Cause it's true.
Currently in the mini-fridge at work are two apples and three greek yogurts -- whichever ones are on sale, and a loaf of bread.
And while most people I know are good with money, I started to fall off the whole "savings bandwagon" a few years ago. I've never spent more than I had, always paying off my credit cards in full, but just living more and more paycheck to paycheck. And recently I've been more stressed about money than usual.
Over the last few years, I had many major life changes occur and I'm starting to realize I've dealt with these things by being careless with money. I've always been frugal, and thankfully that hasn't changed, but it's more that I am unable to say no. "Oh, let's stay for another drink (or three)?" My response: "Sure!!"; "How amazing are these shoes?" My response: "Holy lord, amazing. I'm buying them."; "Want to go on a week long vacation to somewhere fabulous and we'll have the best time?" My response: "Just clicked purchase on the plane ticket."
It's all good stuff, nothing ever bad, it's just that I need to learn I can't do it all.
So that's what begins now. A true savings plan, where each month a set amount of money (at least) goes into savings. I want to buy a house one day that I can fix up and not then turn the keys over to the owner eight months later. I want to know I'll be financially sound in case of an emergency. I want to learn what stocks and bonds are and how the heck I actually invest in them.
These posts may not be as glammy and fun as the others on this blog, but there is something really cool about having money issues under control. Seriously. I used to be proud of the fact that I was good with money. Letting those values slip away has not only been driving me nuts, but it's been a source of stress for too long. Enough.
It may be hard for me to initially divulge personal financial information on the interwebs, but who knows over time. But to start, I'll chat on things I've done to save money in the last few weeks.
First off all, I've been bringing a lunch to work. It's the first thing so many money advice columns, blogs, etc. tell you to do, and let me tell you...they are right. It's amazing. It does take some thought. And it definitely isn't as exciting as the multitude of offerings at the dozen or so lunch spots near the office, BUT, it is what it is. I'd rather spend my money on dinners out with friends or a trip somewhere awesome, so...I bring a lunch.
Here's a great article about just sucking it up and bringing a lunch. Honestly, it may have been what pushed me over the edge to just do it. Cause it's true.
Currently in the mini-fridge at work are two apples and three greek yogurts -- whichever ones are on sale, and a loaf of bread.
It so happens to be mango Chobani this week.
Almost always Gala apples. Love them.
I also keep a large package of string cheese and some microwave popcorn, generic brands for both. That usually settles my cravings for something delicious from down the street, but may not be filling necessarily.
Enter peanut butter. Again, I get whatever kind is on sale. Crunchy, smooth, doesn't matter. I like them all. I also keep some strawberry jelly around, so in a pinch, I can make a PB&J and be fully full, albeit thirsty.
These are the office staples. Otherwise, I bring in leftovers from a dinner I made that week. I am really trying to only buy lunch once a week at most, and that's only if I have to. It just takes 30 minutes to go to the grocery store once a week and get the things you need.
Batta Boom!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Home Improvement (Layout and The Beginning of "Girly")
It is a complete understatement to say that I am excited to move into Swann Street. Never having lived by myself has definitely had it's perks, but this is really the first time I'll have total control over my space. I have loved interior design and styling for a long time, but have always had hiccups in creating the space I truly want to live in. That's not to say I don't have some hiccups now (ahem, budget), but that's where I am stoked to use my crafting skills to get the look I want for a price within reason.
My family has been wonderful during this difficult time in my life. My parents, in particular, have been happy to help find the apartment and plan out the space once we did find it. Mami is always asking for craigslist links, and Dad even asked me to stop by the apartment last week to get precise measurements so he could put the layout into his CAD program so we could mess around with furniture arrangements.
So may I present to you...
(Of course, since we drew this on Monday night, I measured more pieces of furniture and sent the figures to Dad, so he's assured me the drawing is now more to scale.)
I'd like to start by saying that I've lived with guys for a long time now. It started in college, living with Frank, and went on until a couple of months ago. So not only is Swann Street a place for just me, it's a place for just me and all my girly ideas for interior design (well...and Dixie, of course, but she's cool with it). Finally...no boy can tell me not to have a hot pink throw in the living room because it's tacky or horrible. Because it isn't. It's awesome. Exhibit A.
My family has been wonderful during this difficult time in my life. My parents, in particular, have been happy to help find the apartment and plan out the space once we did find it. Mami is always asking for craigslist links, and Dad even asked me to stop by the apartment last week to get precise measurements so he could put the layout into his CAD program so we could mess around with furniture arrangements.
So may I present to you...
(Of course, since we drew this on Monday night, I measured more pieces of furniture and sent the figures to Dad, so he's assured me the drawing is now more to scale.)
I'd like to start by saying that I've lived with guys for a long time now. It started in college, living with Frank, and went on until a couple of months ago. So not only is Swann Street a place for just me, it's a place for just me and all my girly ideas for interior design (well...and Dixie, of course, but she's cool with it). Finally...no boy can tell me not to have a hot pink throw in the living room because it's tacky or horrible. Because it isn't. It's awesome. Exhibit A.
(Hey boys: this throw is so awesome it's sold out!)
The colors on some images are off. For example, the sofa is much more sea foam than the blue shade, and the rug is a much more natural brown than this honey color. See.
Not exactly right (the sofa isn't that dark), but you get the gist! Overall, I want the room to feel soft, natural with some pops of shiny brassy-gold to keep things extra light!
Directly across from the "living room" will be the dining area. In every place I've lived since graduating college, I've always had a dining table of some sort. It's just a priority for me. There may be a few exceptions (super sick days, super drunk nights), but really I never eat in bed and I usually don't eat on the sofa either, as I just am not a big fan of that.
Given that it's all one room, actually, they need to "go together" but still be different. They call that "coordinating"! Sorry...I'm a loon.
So I decided to keep the "natural" theme, but add in some navy colored pieces including these darlings, which I ordered today! (And that gold rim! Ugh -- Love it!)
From C. Wonder
I already have this cute hutch that I've kept stemware, bar glassware and booze in before, and figure I'll do the same again here. It is currently painted a gray color, but I plan to get similar blue to the dinnerware and paint it in a semi-gloss finish. I need the pieces to arrive so I can see the color in person, but I'm leaning towards:
Old Navy by Benjamin Moore
I am worried it's a little dark for the space considering it won't be next to any windows, but I don't know. It's looking pretty perfect to me right now. Let's see if I can be so bold!
All together, here is the basic layout.
I still need to figure out some accent pieces/colors, but I'm happy with how this has started to come together so far!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Garb Gab (Navy Wool Coat)
I don't claim to be fashionista extraordinaire. In fact, I don't even really claim to be a fashionista, but I do like to look nice and somewhat trendy. I splurge on some things, but mostly I buy bargain clothes that gets good use for several seasons until they are so dead, I have no choice but to retire them.
Last winter my heart skipped a beat over this Burberry wool coat.
It's such a find! The navy color is gorgeous, there is added interest with the zipper being off-center, the buttons on the sleeve are different and cool too. Plus, it was a hundred bucks.
No, it's not Burberry, but it works for me!
Aside: I can see why the schedule of themes for blog entries is a good thing, but honestly, my mind is so preoccupied with moving and decorating my new place that all I really want to talk about it interior design!! Until tomorrow...
Last winter my heart skipped a beat over this Burberry wool coat.
Yeah, I know I showcased them on a different blog...so shoot me.
Truly it is just about perfect.
Well, it wasn't in my budget last year (or this year), but I did find a great alternative at Zara.
It's such a find! The navy color is gorgeous, there is added interest with the zipper being off-center, the buttons on the sleeve are different and cool too. Plus, it was a hundred bucks.
No, it's not Burberry, but it works for me!
Aside: I can see why the schedule of themes for blog entries is a good thing, but honestly, my mind is so preoccupied with moving and decorating my new place that all I really want to talk about it interior design!! Until tomorrow...
Monday, October 15, 2012
What Actually Happened/What's Supposed to Hapen (Week of October 15)
What Actually Happened:
This weekend is a classic example of plans not working out the way you expect. I was planning a quiet, relaxing Friday night in anticipation of Gigi's bachelorette night on Saturday. I figured Saturday night would be pretty crazy, but was hoping nonetheless to head to Eastern Market on Sunday to pick out a pumpkin to carve.
Not so much. A wild Friday night indeed! Checked out both Shannon and Megan's new pads in Chinatown and Arlington, respectively; checked out Megan's wedding photos from the amazing Nick Donner; hit the bars in Clarendon; had a little too much, so I crashed at Alina's. Saturday, Alina and I just chilled and cleaned her house before all the gals came over, got dolled up and hit up Clarendon for dinner and a night out. Two nights in Arlington in a row!! What?!?
A 5 a.m. bedtime (yikes!) meant a lazy Sunday at Alina's, until I could finally stand and made my way back to Adams Morgan. It was unseasonably warm and gorgeous, so I grabbed a bottle of wine (just keep the booze train going...), and Patrick and I caught up over a stroll to Meridian Hill Park. There was this big drum circle going on, which was really interesting and fun. Finally, headed to Mellow Mushroom for some pizza pie and then home to just crash. Whew. Not quite the weekend plan, but I can't complain -- it was awesome seeing so many friends.
What's Supposed to Happen:
Monday - Dinner in Oakton with the folks to pick up The Dixie Dog.
Tuesday - Grocery store and chill.
Wednesday - Happy Hour with Fee.
Thursday - Reagan Building Happy Hour Event
Friday - Pregame in Adams Morgan, perhaps?
Saturday - Gigi's to help her clean out her closet. If not that, Camp.
Sunday - Camp either way. Time to pack up the car!!
Aside: I realized while writing this post that should other people read this -- how boring for them! This theme may need to change sooner than I thought, but for now, I'm keeping it so I just stay on track.
This weekend is a classic example of plans not working out the way you expect. I was planning a quiet, relaxing Friday night in anticipation of Gigi's bachelorette night on Saturday. I figured Saturday night would be pretty crazy, but was hoping nonetheless to head to Eastern Market on Sunday to pick out a pumpkin to carve.
Not so much. A wild Friday night indeed! Checked out both Shannon and Megan's new pads in Chinatown and Arlington, respectively; checked out Megan's wedding photos from the amazing Nick Donner; hit the bars in Clarendon; had a little too much, so I crashed at Alina's. Saturday, Alina and I just chilled and cleaned her house before all the gals came over, got dolled up and hit up Clarendon for dinner and a night out. Two nights in Arlington in a row!! What?!?
A 5 a.m. bedtime (yikes!) meant a lazy Sunday at Alina's, until I could finally stand and made my way back to Adams Morgan. It was unseasonably warm and gorgeous, so I grabbed a bottle of wine (just keep the booze train going...), and Patrick and I caught up over a stroll to Meridian Hill Park. There was this big drum circle going on, which was really interesting and fun. Finally, headed to Mellow Mushroom for some pizza pie and then home to just crash. Whew. Not quite the weekend plan, but I can't complain -- it was awesome seeing so many friends.
What's Supposed to Happen:
Monday - Dinner in Oakton with the folks to pick up The Dixie Dog.
Tuesday - Grocery store and chill.
Wednesday - Happy Hour with Fee.
Thursday - Reagan Building Happy Hour Event
Friday - Pregame in Adams Morgan, perhaps?
Saturday - Gigi's to help her clean out her closet. If not that, Camp.
Sunday - Camp either way. Time to pack up the car!!
Aside: I realized while writing this post that should other people read this -- how boring for them! This theme may need to change sooner than I thought, but for now, I'm keeping it so I just stay on track.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Game Plan
Well friends, it's a new chapter. I am moving into my first-ever solo apartment on Swann Street, with just my stuff and The Dixie Dog.
It's a much needed chance for me to start fresh. Now's the time to actually step up and be what I've said I've wanted to be for sometime now: be independent, be creative, be active, be responsible, be a good friend, be honest, be fun! I am bursting with excitement.
I've attempted to keep a blog at least 5 times , and well...this is it. I either want to do this and will, or I don't want to, and need to stop trying. Why pretend like I want to do something if I'm not willing to actually do it?
So here's the game plan. I'm going to attempt to have a "schedule" of blog themes for each day to help get me started. I got this idea from an old college friend, Trish, who's attempting to blog again too. Check her out. If it turns out I'd rather blog about other things, I'll just do that. This is just to get me going.
Monday: What Actually Happened (Last Week)/What's Supposed to Happen (This Week)
A recap of the week prior, plus the upcoming week's schedule and hopes/dreams. May seem redundant, but, let's be real: plans fall through and projects can go unfinished. Hopefully this keeps me both on track and is a place to remember all the fun things I did on any given week.
Tuesday: Garb Gab
Wednesday: Home Improvement (Renter's Addition)/Interior Design Goodness
This may be my favorite post of the week. I love home improvement projects and am basically obsessed with all things DIY. Walking into home depot makes me feel like I can conquer the world (or just build a house, but you know what I mean). Not all projects are super major -- in fact, there is a lot of painting (and re-painting) furniture -- but they are all fun and I am so happy while doing them. I also enjoy interior design. I love how people find "home" in so many different styles.
Tory Burch's Living Room (Vogue)
Thursday: Money Matters
Friday: Wild Card!
Last but not least, this will be a post about whatever the heck I want it to be about! Maybe it's something new in the neighborhood, or a movie review. Or maybe it's just a word of the day or a picture of something that makes me happy. Maybe it's a recipe I can't wait to try or some exciting news from friends. Who knows?! That's why it's call a wild card!
It's a much needed chance for me to start fresh. Now's the time to actually step up and be what I've said I've wanted to be for sometime now: be independent, be creative, be active, be responsible, be a good friend, be honest, be fun! I am bursting with excitement.
I've attempted to keep a blog at least 5 times , and well...this is it. I either want to do this and will, or I don't want to, and need to stop trying. Why pretend like I want to do something if I'm not willing to actually do it?
So here's the game plan. I'm going to attempt to have a "schedule" of blog themes for each day to help get me started. I got this idea from an old college friend, Trish, who's attempting to blog again too. Check her out. If it turns out I'd rather blog about other things, I'll just do that. This is just to get me going.
Monday: What Actually Happened (Last Week)/What's Supposed to Happen (This Week)
A recap of the week prior, plus the upcoming week's schedule and hopes/dreams. May seem redundant, but, let's be real: plans fall through and projects can go unfinished. Hopefully this keeps me both on track and is a place to remember all the fun things I did on any given week.
Tuesday: Garb Gab
Something fashion related. I love reading others' blogs about high end fashion, like dream worthy Prada (ugh, see below) but, I am far too practical (and broke) to do anything but drool. I am actually curious to see if these posts turn into a lust/wish list of designer goodies, or perhaps it will showcase what I actually do buy, and how I attempt to incorporate inexpensive pieces to pull off a high end look. We'll see!
Wednesday: Home Improvement (Renter's Addition)/Interior Design Goodness
This may be my favorite post of the week. I love home improvement projects and am basically obsessed with all things DIY. Walking into home depot makes me feel like I can conquer the world (or just build a house, but you know what I mean). Not all projects are super major -- in fact, there is a lot of painting (and re-painting) furniture -- but they are all fun and I am so happy while doing them. I also enjoy interior design. I love how people find "home" in so many different styles.
Tory Burch's Living Room (Vogue)
Crazy Pink Modern Living Room
Thursday: Money Matters
Chatter on budgeting, saving, and spending. I'm a big girl now and need to get my finances in check. I was raised by parents that saved. Always. I'm not sure how, but somewhere over the last few years I lost my discipline and started spending too much -- never more than I had, but too much nonetheless. It's time to get smart and start saving for an emergency fund and other big things like a down payment on a house. These may seem like obvious things (they are obvious to me!), but again, I need to stop saying it and start doing it. Now, with ginormous rent payment and being fed up for living paycheck to paycheck, I need to make sure I stay on top of my financial goals.
Friday: Wild Card!
Last but not least, this will be a post about whatever the heck I want it to be about! Maybe it's something new in the neighborhood, or a movie review. Or maybe it's just a word of the day or a picture of something that makes me happy. Maybe it's a recipe I can't wait to try or some exciting news from friends. Who knows?! That's why it's call a wild card!
Like I said, I'm bursting with excitement. I can't wait for 2013 to be my clean break. It starts now.
Here we go!
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